Friday 5 July 2013

Unauthorised debit order they refuse to assist me

My name is Miss Zhawne Lynn Hendricks . I stay in Cape Town South africa,  and is in desperate need to have Nedbank exposed for not co operating to having an unauthorised debit order returned to me. Debit orders totalling R150 000 has left my account without my consent. I approached the bank to have it reversed but they want to investigate the matter but it seems like its going nowhere. I read the code of Banking practice in this regard , the bulletin for debit orders no 12 that I should instruct the bank to reverse the debit orders, but this left me being questioned and treated as a criminal by the police. The branch manager of Hermanus ( Riedwaan Isaacs) called the companies who took the money that reflected to be Paysoft and Stratcol who admitted that they do not have mandates to take my money from my account. What is there to investigate if they admit to not have the consent to take money from my account. It has been a month since I logged the complaint. I need my money back.

I have exhausted all my efforts, spoke to multiple bankers, travelled to different branches all over the Western Cape, appointed an attorney and yet I am nowhere.I would not have posted a blog unless I have tried my best to get my money back on my own. I was considering to contact E news with the matter but then saw how many spectacular articles you guys put together.

I have never felt so desperate in my life for help. All my money was stolen from me. This is an email that I sent the PASA.Looking for help.It was addresses to Mariekie a rep of PASA who informed me Nedbank is obligated to reverse my money.

R150,000 was deducted from my account, with regards to written proof from Paysoft and Stratcol, I do not have written proof but the branch manager of Hermanus Cape Town Riedwaan Isaacs contacted the companies who took the money from my account and they admitted to not having mandates. Paysoft deducted R140000 and stratcol R10000.

My biggest concern is that Nedbank refuses to reverse the transactions. The Ombudsman code of banking practice bulletin no 12 for debit orders clearly states" a bank customer must instruct his her bank to reverse an unauthorised debit order. If it is disputed within 40 days, the bank must reverse it immediately.The PASA( payments accosiaton of South
Africa) says the same thing.

Nedbank does not adhere to the rules set out for debit orders. All the Nedbank reps I spoke to for the last month all admitted to it.They say Nedbank has their own rules and do not follow the PASA.Naeem branch manager of Claremont branch said this, marienette glydenhys banker at Nedbank hermanus and Riedwaan Isaacs branch manager hermanus said this. Both Naeem and Riedwaan Chased me out of the branch because I did not want to leave without them reversing my money.

Iam so worried about my money I cannot sleep at night.
I feel bullied by Nedbank’s staff and do not know what to do anymore.

The debit orders started on the 18th April 2013
and totaled R150 000 was deducted by Paysoft and Stratcol.

I went to the Nedbank Claremont Branch the 31st May spoke to Retail Branch Manager, Naeem and he told me he saw on the system that the transactions that I want reversed was not a debit order and is EFT
transactions and therefore he cannot reverse it, and that if I say I did not give authorization or have no knowledge of the transactions then he must put a block on my account and have it investigated as it looks like a fraudulent account .I then asked him how long the investigation will last and when I can expect my money back and he said 4-6 weeks and I wont be able to use my account.Then I told him I do not want his help and he must not send my account for investigation as I will not accept waiting that long for my money and I cannot have my account out of order for that time period as I would need to access it and
use  the money for different business possibilities that could come along within that time and for living expenses.

He seemed annoyed at me for instructing him to reverse the transactions and
told me not to tell him what to do. The reason why I instructed him to reverse
the money is because I read the bulletin of debit orders of the Ombudsman for
the code of banking practice that a client must instruct his/her bank to
reverse an unauthorized debit order. He did not want to act upon my instruction
and was very stubborn to not follow what the procedure instructs him to do. I
then left feeling robbed of all my money.  I feel totally destroyed an do not know how I will survive without my money, how can I pay my rent, buy groceries?

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